Explore Our Spa
60 MINS | 1,500.-
The Paradise Nature Scrub utilizes the fresh ingredients of oatmeal, coffee, black sesame, Tanaka powder, yoghurt, carrot juice and warm water. These all-natural ingredients help to remove dead skin. Once the treatment is finished, lotion is applied all over the body leaving the skin soft and smooth.
60 MINS | 1,500.-
Our special mixture of rice flour, milk, turmeric, camphor oil and natural yoghurt helps to purify and exfoliate the skin. A smooth massage of the Sandy Lulur Scrub will relax your body, and the lavender body lotion will help to fight stress.
60 MINS | 1,500.-
Nutrient rich sea salt from the shores of Thailand is mixed with our specially blended essential oils creating an invigorating, deep exfoliating treatment. Short circuit massage strokes are used to ensure the removal of dead, dull skin cells. This scrub improves blood circulation, and leaves skin healthy and radiant.
60 MINS | 1,500.-
This scrub utilizes fresh coconut to scrub the body, which is a natural skin exfoliator and moisturizer. This treatment also features ingredients of yoghurt, mineral water and rice. The Fresh Coco Mineral Scrub will help your skin become smooth, the natural way.
60 MINS | 1,500.-
A refreshing skin treatment, the Black Sesame Exfoliating Skin Scrub features black sesame mixed with rice flour, sea salt and turmeric powder. This scrub will leave the skin fresh and bright.
60 MINS | 1,590.-
このスクラブは、オートミール、コーヒー、黒ゴマ、タナカパウダー、ヨーグルト、人参ジュース、温水等の成分を 使用します。これらのすべて自然な成分は、古くなった皮膚を取り除き、1回の施術後のローションを全身に塗る事で 肌を柔らかく、滑らかにします。
60 MINS | 1,590.-
特殊な米粉、牛乳、ウコン、樟脳オイル、ナチュラルヨーグルトの調合で汚れを取り除き、滑らかなマッサージは あなたの身体をリラックスさせ、ラベンダーボディローションは、ストレスを和らげます。
60 MINS | 1,590.-
角質を落とす働きで 特別に混合されたエッセンシャル・オイルとタイの海岸からの豊かな海の塩を調合。マッサージ ストロークで古くなった肌細胞の除去をより助け、血行をよくし、健康的な艶のある肌へ導きます。